Professional Effectiveness & Development Programmes | People First

Professional Effectiveness & Development Programmes

Professional Effectiveness & Development Programmes: time management, self-management, presenting confidently, how to get confident, confidence, influencing others, assertiveness skills,  assertiveness techniques, telephone skills, negotiation skills, career progression, staff performance, effective communications, communication skills, bespoke courses, study skills, exam preparation, Presentation skills programme, assertiveness in the workplace, Telephone techniques training, proven study techniques.
Problem (Business or staff) Recommended Solution Benefit (to staff and business)
Staff struggling with time management & priorities Our time and priority matters programme Clear understanding of the value of time, priorities & self- managemen
Presentation skills are part of staff role Effective Presentation skills programme Highly polished, confident staff presentations
Influencing others is a requirement for staff Influencing others programme Skills, techniques and confidence in influencing others in the workplace
Lack of assertiveness in the workplace Assertiveness training programme Clear understanding of the key skills/techniques
Telephone communications could have better impact (Sales/Service) Telephone techniques training (Sales/Service) High impact telephone calls, confident staff & excellent call structure
Negotiation is a key part of staff role and is weak Negotiations skills programme (level I or level II) Clear positive win-win negotiation strategy and techniques to support this
Desire to change career/move on Career planning programme Clear strategy and plan for making things happen
Difficulties managing staff performance & motivating them Front line staff management programme Gain all the process, skills, techniques and approaches to effective staff management
Less than effective communicators in the business High impact communications skills programme Highly effective communication style
Junior Cert/Leaving Cert/3rd level/Professional exams upcoming Study Skills programme Highly effective proven study techniques, tools & templates to ensure better results

Our Programmes

For further information on the range of options available, please call 086-8174017 or simply drop us a line here.

If you would like more information about our services call us on
086-8174017 or click on the button below.