Executive Training & Facilitation interventions & programmes | People First

Executive Training & Facilitation Interventions & Programmes

Problem (Business or staff) Recommended Solution Benefit (to staff and business)
Managing people is a key responsibility Managing People programme(Level I or Level II) Equips front line Managers to be exceptionally proficient in their people management
Leadership is a key role and one which does not come naturally Leadership programme Develops highly effective leaders
Supervising staff is a new role or one that causes problems Introduction to staff supervision Gain all the effective tools required for supervising others
Sales are sluggish, prospecting is poor, closing is not producing results Sales/Business development training programme (Level I, Level II, Level III) Develop all the required skills, techniques, processes and approaches to deliver consistently to sales budgets
Customer service levels are slipping/could be better Service excellence programme Clarity around a service excellence strategy and key deliverables
An upcoming meeting needs to be facilitated by a third party Team/Group facilitation An objective facilitator for your meeting delivering a challenging, focused and action oriented meeting
You wish to develop an in-house training capability Train the trainer programme Equipped trainer to design, deliver and implement in-house training
Your team is slightly fragmented or not on message Team building programme More cohesive team, bonding together and working to common goals
You want to freshen up/motivate the team/do a product launch or a kick-off day Away Day Team facilitation You can focus on being involved whilst we facilitate and manage the day for you
If you would like more information about our services call us on
086-8174017 or click on the button below.